Club Charter Night – 65 Years

Our club celebrated 65 years of service to the Belton, MO community and Lions Clubs International.  There have been many changes in Lions during this period of time but our club has held steadfast to its service commitment to our community and to the ideals of Lionism.  


We are honored that many came and celebrated with us; honoring those Lions that came before us and all the Lions in our club that continue in service today.

Our keynote speaker for this event was Lion Donal Knipp, Past International Director from the state of Missouri.  He and his spouse Lion Betty made our celebration very special and we truly thank them for being with us.




PID Donal Knipp shares his views on the value this club is to the Belton, MO community.
Lion Debbie Hyman, LOY receives her plaque from Lion President Karen and Lion 1st VP Linda Elliston and an LCI International President Certificate of Appreciation from PID Donal Knipp
Lion Linda Elliston receives an LCI International President’s Certificate of Appreciation from PID Donal Knipp
Lion Debbie Hyman, LOY receives her plaque from Lion President Karen and Lion 1st VP Linda Elliston and an LCI International President Certificate of Appreciation from PID Donal Knipp
Lion of the Year, Lion Debbie Hyman, with members of LOY Selection Committee and PID Donal Knip
Lion Phil Trued and Lion Marla Elliston cut the first slice of our 65th Anniversary cake.